Spin Revolution Game

4.4 ( 5344 ratings )
Gry Rozrywka Automaty Układanki

Looking for an original and challenging game to prove that no one can beat you in ability games? Spin Revolution is your game! Its all about accuracy, speed, concentration and sometimes luck. The game is simple: the roulette will automatically move and you only have to follow with your finger the color shown in the bubbles above. Seems easy, right? Just play and tell us how it feels. :-)

The origin of the idea comes from the activity indicators that normally appear below the "Loading..." label when you want to watch a video. We discovered that many people, while waiting for the video to load, followed the indicator with their fingers. And we thought: why not developing a game?

Finally, saying that were students from Barcelona (Spain) studying "1º de Bachillerato" (11th grade) and this game is part of a research school project. One of the purposes of this game is to study how a certain game fits in the gaming industry and how, through the feedback and the data gathered from the users, we can improve it. By the way, because of being a school project, all the earnings will be donated to a school NGO.

Were really excited about this project and hope you enjoy playing it as much as weve enjoyed creating it! Thanks!

Gabriel, Martí & Ramon.